+44 (0)20 3432 4484 info@coursecheck.com

Training course feedback system

Time saving features drive your course quality, make quality reports easier to produce, making efficient management easier

Easy to use

Instantly collect course feedback

Gain insights

Understand exactly how to drive your quality

Instant reporting

Detailed reports at the
touch of a button

Powerful sales tools

Your online reviews build

Attract clients

Promote your high
quality levels

  • Improve your learners’ course experience
  • Save time, gain operational efficiency & productivity
  • Shorten your sales cycle & improve new customer win rates
  • Grow your training business sustainably

Slick software improves your training & makes life easier

  • Collect feedback on the spot
    Easy share review link enables instant feedback. Response rates improve dramatically, gaining more reliable insights
  • Analyse across multiple areas
    Analyse by several different variables – Course, instructor, client, delivery format etc. Drill down on which areas need improvement
  • Any training format
    Compare learner feedback for classroom courses, virtual training, blended formats & eLearning, all in one place
  • Multiple feedback forms
    Tighten up on the relevancy of your feedback by preparing specific questions, related to each training course
  • Follow up feedback
    Measure the long term impact your training has had and improve post-course learner support
  • Automated alerts & reports
    Identify any negative feedback swiftly, taking prompt action to rectify
  • Training system integration
    Pull in your course information & schedules automatically from many different training management systems
  • Custom fields
    You decide how to analyse your feedback by client, cohort, region and in many different ways to identify areas for improvement
  • NPS rating tracking
    Track your NPS rating and benchmark against your industry to improve learner satisfaction
  • Multi language support
    Local language reviews gain better quality feedback as learners can give more detailed feedback in their first language

Optional features: Powerful marketing benefits

Independent reviews on Coursecheck website & your own website

  • Gain social proof – Let your customers do your selling for you
  • People trust independent reviews more and engage with the “voice of the customer”
  • Build trust to book more courses faster

Powerful marketing features

  • Your learners share their reviews on social media
  • Reach new customers with the power of viral marketing
  • Promote your courses to a whole new audience at no extra cost
  • Google loves reviews and gives your website an extra SEO boost

Reviews are a proactive sales tool

  • Feature your reviews on your website, social media, e-mail footers, presentations & at trade shows
  • People understand the star system – They’re 30% more likely to click on links with stars and much more likely to actually buy

“I believe that for any training
provider that takes feedback
seriously and wants to make their
business the best of the best,
Coursecheck ticks all the boxes.”
Erty Ryall, Managing Director

Reduced admin

Collect training course
feedback on the spot. Save
time building reports and
analysing your data

Valuable insights

Built in data analysis tools enable you to deeply understand your areas for improvement

Build trust

Showcase your independent training course reviews online, building your buyers’ confidence

Book a demo to find out more